I mean, there's still SOME of that here, but I don't think Laura is as obsessed with keeping her social media pristine as much as she should be. But, realistically speaking, there's nothing to Laura as a character, so her being a bitch to Marina for, essentially, reaching out and trying to find a friend would have been better than what we did get.

Of course, this means making Laura into an unlikable character. Like Laura's obsession with maintaining a pristine Facebook profile being thrown into disarray when she befriends a strange girl that, seemingly, has no one in her life. I feel that this movie could have certainly touched on that obsession with social media in a way that wouldn't necessarily have been fresh and exciting, but it could have been an interesting perspective regardless. They want to be popular, they want the views, the likes, the shares, etc, etc. There's a reason why you see a bunch of people doing these stupid internet challenges.

And I can see how someone might become obsessed with the idea of social media, having lots of friends on Facebook and followers on Instagram/Twitter. But I, of course, use it like most people my age. I have other shit I have to do to be preoccupied with what's going on social media. As far as social media is concerned, I'm not obsessed with it. Here I am, talking like I'm some old fucker when I just turned 30 like three months ago. I get the whole concept, of course, and I don't know if I'd say I like it, but it's a concept that's relevant in today's day and age with social media, seemingly, taking over young people's lives. Having said that, barring some sort of uncontrollable incident (like another fucking hurricane), I don't plan to stay away from horror movies this long again, damnit! But, sadly, this is the movie that I choose to come back to from that little 'hiatus'. There's obviously still some more serious movies here and there but, for the most part, I stuck with lighter movies to cheer me up, even if they may not have ended up being great films. What is wrong with me? Seriously though, it just wasn't a good month and that's why a good chunk of the movies I reviewed ended up being comedies. That's almost a month without my beloved horror movies.

I don't really count the last Tremors movie, which I reviewed a couple of days ago. I don't, but if we're talking only 'serious' horror movies only, then you have to go back a couple of days prior to that to Before I Wake. Can you believe that it's been a little over three weeks since I last reviewed a horror movie? The movie in question being Patchwork and some would even disqualify that given that it's a comedy.